
All-Star Charm International has a mission to provide a healthy anti-bullying competition. Our goal is to motivate and uplift young girls and boys to realize how strong, unique, capable, and independent they are. We believe our youth can accomplish greatness with the right motivation and guidance.

Registration fee is $80 and all fees are non-refundable.

0-1 years Baby Princess
/ Baby Prince
2-3 years Tiny Princess
/ Tiny Prince
4-5 years Jr. Princess
/ Jr. Prince
6-7 years Princess
/ Prince
8-9 years Jr. Preteen Girl
/ Jr. Preteen Boy
10-12 years Preteen Girl
/Preteen Boy
13-17 Teen Girl / Boy
18+ Miss/Mrs./Mr.

There are a limited amount of appointed titles in each division available

Seperate divisions for boys and girls

Join mailing list


All-Star Charm International's image